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Kākā Valley: The wider political view
9 July 2021

Kākā Valley: The wider political view

“Nelson is split over a proposed plan change allowing housing development in the Kākā Valley. Cherie Sivignon looks at the wider political issues. Nelson MP Rachel Boyack has no doubt…

Maddy’s Cake Stall
4 July 2021

Maddy’s Cake Stall

Big thanks to Maddy who came up with an idea to raise money to buy a Save the Maitai sign.  “My name is Maddy and I’m 10 years old. I…

Graham Watson New Zealand
2 July 2021

Graham Watson – Cycling Photography

A huge thank you to Graham and Jo Watson who have offered to support Save the Maitai by donating all proceeds from their online shop to the campaign!  Please visit their…

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